Bestselling Author. Writer. Model. Mother.

I share words from my heart & curate magical spaces for you to realise your potential, and step into your dreams.
Your dream life is entirely possible.
The work I offer is ever-changing as it is inutitvely guided. It is seeped in soul. At the heart of all I do, however, is deep-seated and embodied inspiration for you to live your brightest, shiniest, best life.
Blame my Gemini-Rising if you must, but multifaceted is my forte. From speaking to writing, mentoring to modelling - there’s a little bit of me for everyone.
I’d love to be a guest on your podcast, write for your platform, hold ceremonial space in your program, or pose in your campaign. So long as there is heart and soul, I’m happy to bring the pulse. (And a little bit of Hollie-magic while I’m at it!)
The People Pleaser’s Guide to
Putting Yourself First
Best selling personal development title, and crash course in setting boundaries and looking after yourself.